Nov 16, 2009

Movie - 2012 the end of the world

Enduring blow-ups and bloodbaths, crumbling skyscrapers, and a set of fairly compelling characters that fight all the horrible things neither they nor the audience can even imagine.
At bottom, the disaster flick is all about the saga of the unsuccessful and scruffy novelist Jack Curtis who first doesn’t bother a bit about his comely ex-wife Kate and their two kids, but later gets closer to them thanks to the outbreak of quakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. John Cusack and Amanda Peet play the hubby and wife.
Characterization is where the writer-director Emmerich and co-writer Harald Kloser applied good wit and deserve praise.
That said, the eye-bulging visual effects that can shake your sense to the bottom will fetch them more praise.
Reviewers across the media say in unison that 2012 is essentially an outrageous flick that can surely satisfy its very own kind of audience.
What else verdict can they give a movie that vows and amuses you with scenes of tsunami waves climbing the Himalayas?

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