Jul 5, 2010

BAR Rules

Mengenal Nombor

Seorang Guru Tadika bertanya kepada anak muridnya…
Guru: “Siapa didalam kelas ini yang mengenal nombor?”
Ahmad: “Saya Cikgu”
Guru : “Apa betul awak kenal nombor-nombor?” ! ;
Ahmad: “Ya Cikgu.. Saya telah belajar dengan ayah”
Guru : “Baiklah.. mari kita lihat… selepas 3..berapa?”
Ahmad: “4″
Guru : “Bagus… Selepas 6?”
Ahmad: “7″
Guru : “Ya.. Bagus.. selepas 9?”
Ahmad: “10″
Guru : “Ya.. Bagus sekali… nampaknya ayahmu benar-benar mengambil berat tentang pelajaran kamu.. Okeylah.. Akhir sekali..selepas sepuluh.. berapa?”
Ahmad: “Jack, Queen, & King”

Saya Menang!!! yessss

I love the expression on the kids face.

Bring Your Own

Farting Problem

There's a woman that has a big problem when it came to farting.

She farts all the time, yet is never able to smell or hear them.

So one day she decides to go to the doctor about the problem.

She tells him how she is always leaving these long, hard farts that she can never smell or hear.

The doctor thinks about it and sends her home with some pills, telling her to come back a week later.

When she comes back to his office, she tells him how she still is having these horrible farts, but now they smell like rotting eggs.

The doctor's only reaction to this was... “It's good to know we cleared up your sinuses. Now to work on your hearing....”